Thursday 2 April 2020

What if I use Hydroquinone on my skin?Benefits and side effects

The product is highly dangerous because it often contains mercury. Severe liver and kidney damage is one of the results of this combination. Skin disfiguration condition called ochnronosis is a potential side effect from using hydroquinone.
Considering it is a banned substance in many countries I would recommend not using it. Although it may work for you, you should consider your health far more important. There are many alternatives available on the market and I would suggest looking at those before anything else.
Many people have suffered from skin irritations, photosensitivity and these are only a few of the risks involved. My advice is don’t risk it but better yet speak to a dermatologist or GP before using something that could potentially cause a danger to your body.

See, initially when you start using hydroquinone on spots, they tend to appear darker in the beginning and the skin also peels off, but with time & regular use for like a month, you do see results. Make sure you’re applying just a thin layer.
However, the results aren’t gonna last. Hydroquinone is just like a temporary fix, and if you’re using it, you HAVE TO make sure you do not go out in the sun AT ALL, because if you expose your skin to sunlight while using hydroquinone treatment, your spots will get even darker. And not going out at all isn’t possible, so hydroquinone treatment is difficult.
If you want to make it work, use your hydroquinone cream regularly until you see results (a month or two hopefully) and cut off sun exposure completely. Yes, COMPLETELY. Wear hats, scarves, carry umbrellas! whatever!
Once your skin has lightened and you’re happy with your results, stop usage and now take good care of your skin and try maintaining the result you got.
PS. Hydroquinone has side effects like excessive growth of hair (in long term usage), you might end up with facial hair, so be careful.

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